Learn & Pass

Our Approach

Learn, Practise & Succeed



We're deeply in tune with the market. By regularly engaging with job applicants and recruiters, we garner valuable insights, which allow us to constantly adapt our platform to meet your ever-changing needs.



We appreciate the diverse knowledge and skill levels of our learners. Here, you can take a progressive approach to learning by starting from the right level that suits you and gradually building up your skills at your own pace.



Leveraging cutting-edge technology, we ensure a smooth user experience. Whether you're using a mobile, tablet or laptop, our platform is accessible anytime, anywhere, empowering you to practise on your terms.



Our approach prioritises the human touch. Your interview responses are evaluated by real people, not algorithms. Our support team is always at hand, ready to discuss your progress and provide actionable feedback.


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Online Test Practise

Our tests are divided into two zones: the Learning Zone and the Challenge Zone.

In the Learning Zone, you start with fundamentals of aptitude/cognitive tests to build up your knowledge and be prepared to deal with more complex tests.

In the Challenge Zone, you work on real assessment-like questions that cover a wide range of test types from various test providers. If you are good with basics and only want to refresh your memory, you can start directly in the Challenge Zone.

This distinctive approach is designed to significantly enhance your ability to handle any online assessments with confidence.


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final answers

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Job Interview Prep

Interview preparation cannot be easier with our comprehensive interview preparation tool.

You will start with lots of resources guiding you on how to answer different interview questions. Once you are ready, you can put your learning into practice by completing realistic mock interviews on our digital platform, Video Interview Ready.

The platform allows you to practise as many times as you want to become familiar with those modern tools, boosting your confidence in the actual interview.

Once submitted, you will receive a call from us with feedback and suggestions for improvements.

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What Our Customers Say

So far good. I would recommend it who are applying for grad shemes.
I am really pleased by the support you guys provided for my interview. I am surprised that the real interview questions are very similar to what I have practised on Learn and Pass. Just to make it clear for those who are thinking of giving it a try, the interview questions are very similar but not exactly the same. So you have to be smart to adjust your answers a little bit sometimes.
I would definitely recommend Learn & Pass for those who are struggling with online assessments.
I think this is the best site for learning how to answer situational judgement tests. Having gone through those questions, I have not failed any single SJTs.
Coming back for the second time after I passed my interview with PwC. I still benefitted a lot for my interview prep for the next company. The free AC is very valuable. Thank you.
Worth the money. I was worried because it was cheaper than many other websites, but I was surprised by the quality of questions and how you guys teach things step by step.
This is a good online test practice website. The questions were very realistic, and I felt very familiar when I did the actual test. Although tests are enough to prepare for the majority of the companies, I suggest you guys also include Watson Glaser.